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Sunday, January 23, 2011

From Twitter 01-23-2011

@digitaldraco apology accepted.
@shannanachan I'm glad.
@amandapalmer just realised I had not looked in the mirror since you did it. So I looked. Big thumbs up.
Best fantasy movies of the decade?
@mrtonylee go for it.
@den_down_unda did I say it was good?
Dinner with @amandapalmer's Oz label. Music industry gossip better than publishers'. Learned which 'vegan' rockstar ate his son's pet duck.
RT @lyndonriggall: @neilhimself Hopefully my review of @monamuseum will balance the score.
@lyndonriggall you make me want to return.
@amandapalmer when I retell the story he will have a mouthful of duck feathers. I love you. Come to bed.
@amandapalmer and the gentleman "ate meat from animals from the estate". So we don't know he didn't nibble the duck.
@jacwabbit aw...
RT it's true. @mrtonylee: People keep asking me 'so what DID @neilhimself write for your wedding?' So here it is...
@fhionn I don't know. I got my first post school Real pen in 1994.
@arthurwyatt they don't mock it as pretentious. They just don't understand it. Watch it again, you'll get it this time.
@livinlost of course!
Looks like a #neilwebfail there. Sorry everyone. Sorry @mrtonylee.
@arthurwyatt ah. You saw that episode of Arthur.
RT @mrtonylee: Ah, as ever @neilhimself's RT killed my website. :-) So, in backup...
@DanyFantomBeast it's explained in Sandman 20.
RT @mrtonylee: Every time @neilhimself kills your site with a #NeilWebFail, a kitten loses its wings. #TrueStory
@peterstraubnyc I will speak while a string quartet plays.
@CharliNye brilliant!
@paulandstorm @Peterstraubnyc sometimes when I sing birds fall from the sky, like flocks of dead stars.
In the studio. Never recorded with a string quartet before. I hope they will be kind.
@ManMadeMoon Neil Gaiman Raps Gangsta Lit in Australia With String Quartet. And thus a new musical genre was born.
@lebem studio 301 in alexandria
@Thought1 with a string quartet? Nothing counts unless you do it with a String quartet.
@kkwrites No, I'm a writer.
RT @AwfulNormal: @neilhimself Would you mind RT'ing to see if anyone knows where you can buy this?
@lordriffington alas no.
Lunch has been eaten. I will be recording my bit in the glass box with the sparkly lights.
For the curious: FourPlay String Quartet & I about to record THE TRUTH IS A CAVE IN THE BLACK MOUNTAINS, as performed at Syd. Opera House.
@Langeluddecke I made them do it in Hobart for me.
No, we do not yet know where or how it'll be made available for sale. (I'd love a book with recording, story, & Eddie Campbell paintings.)
@LiberatumGlobal I can't? Probably not. May is crammed. Love to come to Istanbul though. Maybe next year?
@HonestJohnson not at all.
@nataliefisher me too. Sorry that it was never to be between us, despite us being practically married, me giving you directions etc.
@kat_lu there will. Somehow.

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