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Thursday, December 9, 2010

From Twitter 12-09-2010

@meadrus Me too.
@maymay417 I believe so. Someone talked today on Twitter about how much they saved.
I just realised people have been making DAY THE SAUCERS CAME videos. So cool.
Another two DAY THE SAUCERS CAME films: and (this one has me reading)
@Spin0za1 There's Midrash in American Gods.
@crewgrrl you missed the Queen of Sheba?
@jazgar next April...
@maymay417 I started on the LCA+ and love it.
@SDuPreeBemis did I tell you how much I loved your creepy white christmas?
@jocularfowl I'm glad it's not my fault. i was feeling guilty.
@Asconius you are welcome.
@FrancieYukus watching my 2 year old son riding around a graveyard on his tricycle.
Forgot to mention I'm doing NPR's TALK OF THE NATION tomorrow, talking about Best American Comics 2010.
Where I will be, Hallowe'en Weekend 2011:
LOOK! NEW BLOG ENTRY The anatomy of snowbirds: posted by Neil

It's not the walking the dogs... WARNING:Contains me
My assistant @Fablor was startled by explosions in the night and banged her head. Seen here with frozen peas on in
@phdaisy @JoanofDarkKnits actually, it's frozen edamame.
Drive to NPR studio (KNOW in St Paul) for TALK OF THE NATION - @totn. The 2nd half of today's show. Then I do radio drama with Simon Jones.
At the NPR studios about to talk comics on TALK OF THE NATION @totn. Typing this on their keyboard. Most of the keys are mysteriously blank.
Rah! I did Talk of the Nation and I LIVED! (thank you all for emailing and calling in.) Thanks Neal Conan.
Now I get a few minutes off, and then I get to radio-act down the line with Simon Jones. In my head he'll be wearing a dressing gown. #H2G2
RT @omewan: @neilhimself here's the link for the Talk of the Nation podcast
@fablor ARGH. So glad you saw Doctor. #poorQuiche
RT @EllenKushner: Simon Jones recording our play with longdistance @neilhimself in our NY studios now:
I just got to act with Simon Jones. You have no idea what nerdy glory that was for my inner 17-year-old self. #witcheslublinradioplay
@EllenKushner Hugs. Thank you (and Sue) for asking me to be in it!
@Einsteins_Clone none at all, I'm afraid. I don't think he was writing then.
@ACSarahAC yup. Him.
@EllenKushner I think Sue will be able to stitch something together from my performance. Or at least. I hope... #witcheslublinradioplay
For anyone who missed it: is today's NPR "Talk of the Nation" article+audio with extracts from Best American Comics 2010
@amandapalmer according to women can play Didgeridoo "in informal situations" except around Sydney...
@amandapalmer ... and there's a Women and Didgeridoo support website #whoknew?
RT Holy Noexistent Comics! @PipsBadIdeas: Thing & Death would make the world's best Romantic Comedy.

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