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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

From Twitter 11-30-2010

@StevenGould about to DM you...
RT @screenread: A historic crowdfunding success for @XtopherSalmon:150.000 pledged for his @neilhimself Gaiman adaption of THE PRICE htt ...
RT @newscientist: Flash fictioneers! Huge response to our contest means it's taking a bit longer than planned to draw up shortlist - nea ...
@Tanuyeiro not my tumblr page I'm afraid.
RT @mbrockenbrough: Dear @neilhimself This week, First Book is offering 125,000 free books for low-income teens. Could you please RT? ht ...

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My current crusade is to make sure creative people have wills. Read the blog post about it, and see a sample will.