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Friday, October 22, 2010

From Twitter 10-21-2010

Phlogiston aether etc: New Scientist Flash Fiction Competition, & some daft bugger has agreed to judge the finalists
@raindogs70 I did, but for Penthouse UK, long after he sold it.
@hrk85 If I am, I will.
@sanctuary4kids you're welcome. Remind me when the auction goes live tomorrow and I'll twitter it loudly.
In 1691 followers exactly 1.5 million people will be following this twitter account. So unlikely. Trying to come up with ways to celebrate.
@mr_ruben I do. And I remember 10,000 followers distinctly too. That was Tea or Armageddon...
@wyrmis Ah, that takes me back.
@amandapalmer yup. And she's also pretty. And funny. And about two thousand miles away.
@PollySamson Running a game of Simon Says over Twitter to 1.5 million people would be amazing. Nothing like this:
RT @sanctuary4kids: Online auction starts today! Bid on items+experiences from hit sci fi show Sanctuary.100% raised helps kids in crisi ...
@lightfantastic DAMN YOU! #whatyousaytosupervillains
Back when I was celebrating a double apocalypse of 666,666 followers, we did this: & turned into
@notDrugsDelaney I'm having a hard time folllowing 638 people.
@chrisbaker3 Done in this month's Dr Who Magazine.
@danguyf that would be AWESOME. Er, just saying.
@danguyf A week? Maybe?
Check out photographer His Blur Campaign series is painterly & his golden gate bridge mosaic is made of 5000 lego men
@davisonattorney welcome!
@WorstPunkEver I'd wind up declaring war on @Britneyspears and dealing with terrorism from @warrenellis.
RT @Library_Gerbils: #TeenReadWeek is almost over! It's not too late to pick up a book by @mstohl @simoneelkeles @patrickcarman @neilhim ...
@sixbforbreakfst it looks like it, doesn't it?
@theroseinbloom Nothing to do with me, I'm afraid. It's all DC's choices and call. @micah @jimlee00 @graphicly
RT (It's me! And, um, stuff...) @benmorrisillo: Illustration for DWM Production Notes #87.
@hodgman I hope you tipped him generously.
@AnnieDuke Networking is horrid. Making new friends is wonderful. Perhaps the trick is not to do the former when you can do the latter?
RT @Werefrog: @kylecassidy @davemckean @remnil @neilhimself Prague Astronomical Clock Win! So amazing!
@hodgman somehow I knew he would have a giant brandy-snifter. Probably he has a man to carry it for him. Most film-star lounge pianists do.
@WesleyStace We wondered where they went that day.
I seriously hope that any police reading this David Mitchell interview understand "crack cocaine dealer" is a metaphor
@Sirarsewhoop give Mike my best. Is it for the Doctor Who book?
@alexandrak No, @cdibona is great. I merely facilitated greatness.
Best Endless pictures ever?
@hodgman did you actually type Chateau donuts or was that your phone?
@TheBloggess they totally do.
@AnnieDuke got it. I like "friendworking" as a word. I always think of "networking" as finding new folk.
@TonyCSGreenall you can probably still get a SWOON and SNUFF issue of Cerebus by writing to Dave and asking him @CerebusFilm
@lnaturale I thought they were.
RT @pcraigrussell: @neilhimself Speaking of . . . ! The Sandman Variant Cover Reworking:
@hodgman or maybe your iPhone knows what you wanted to write better than YOU DO...?
Sorry about the #neilwebfail. (PLANS ARE AFOOT TO END #Neilwebfails FOREVER!)

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