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Thursday, October 21, 2010

From Twitter 10-20-2010

RT @Widgett: The Day I Swapped My Dad For a Better Dad #sadchildrensbooks (apologies to @neilhimself)
Just learned that @amandapalmer is the 22nd most important Queer Woman in Music. Also, that someone is keeping score.
@aetas_amo all of them
RT @CynthVonBuhler: If You Give A Pig Some Prozac #sadchildrensbooks
"Howl's Moving Outhouse"#sadchildrensbooks
There. I have bloggled. Goodnight world. Goodnight Number 22. (& so to bed.)
LOOK! NEW BLOG ENTRY Nine pictures from my life (and one drawing): posted by Neil

I'm not goin... WARNING:Contains me
@dianaleiteward I think the autographing is part of the w00tstocking
RT @JasonArnopp: Tomorrow's #DoctorWho Magazine also features @neilhimself writing about his forthcoming TV Who story. A lovely exclusive.
Also kudos to @therealjanisian at #18 & @AmyRay at #3 (I want to find out all about #5's Ma Rainey) #50queermusicwomen
@klucassm Good. That means I'm human.
@gcgoncalves gaym'n.
@bhautikj recalcitrant topaz icky wobbling
@miss_mu sending love.
@hayleycampbelly you really are family, aren't you?
If I were in NY I would go and see Selected Shorts introduced by Gregory Maguire at Symphony Space. Check it out:
@KathrynBacon no.
@hayleycampbelly oh. No, it doesn't get better. But you care about it less.
@kairosrae next time we're in (or I'm in) say Hullo. We can chat about more than @lushltd products.
@duckorange uh-oh.
@bhautikj it is a colour.

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