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Sunday, August 29, 2010

From Twitter 08-28-2010

@frivpeeps Oh, yes, that's the real @fairuza. She is one of my favourite people.
It's been a while since I posted this; the whole of the Graveyard Book in video. Now with added Q&As. Also, short hair
@Maudelynn I am in your Television, Dan'a. I am watching you.
The Amazing @maddyg44, my youngest daughter, has been 16 for an hour. This was her aged 13, blogging in Budapest:
@actordougjones Remember this, Dougie? She's now this: And just as amazing.
@caycepollard that's the plan. I mean, it's my blog. It's not a democracy.
@ytsirklin maybe. Sort of.
LOOK! NEW BLOG ENTRY You're Sixteen, you're Beautiful, and You're Very Much Your Own Young Lady... WARNING:Contains me
Happy 16th Birthday @maddyg44!
@MrBillyBones there will!
@ribblefizz votes do not matter. It is not a democracy. It is my blog.
@peterstraubnyc "I'm Not the Father!" claims New York Novelist embroiled in Baby Paternity Scandal. News at 11.
There is an open-to-the-public book signing after the event at Boston Public Library on Sept 26th. See for details.
@grammarmonkey thank you.
@theblacklily Yup. Lola's here for good.
@physorg_com @mindthrall Hygienic Bees have been around for a while now: It's not a magic bullet.
All sweaty from a trip to the beehives: @fablor and (off the @ladyGaga tour for 24 hours) Ms. @neverwear.
@lytab_au in FRAGILE THINGS.
@mtnygard Vignette. It's an Android App.
@lamaupin the link's on the front page of my journal.
@StellaStarlight one day I will come back to Holland....

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