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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 05:43 In Narita airport. Think I got Twaitter to work. We'll find out at midday tomorrow: If it doesn't post, make it up. Farewell... #bbcawdio #
  • 05:44 @eoincolfer not to worry Eoin. I figured that out. Hope all's going really well at your end... #
  • 11:30 I'm still on a plane to china, but have set Twaitter to deliver the #bbcawdio tweet at midday EST, in 1/2 hour (& this now). Hope it works. #
  • 11:59 Sam was brushing her hair when the girl in the mirror put down the hairbrush, smiled & said, "We don't love you anymore." @BBCAA #bbcawdio #
  • 13:26 Blog ent ry up: Waving From Beijing: posted by Neil Sending this to blogger by Email. I hope it wi.. #
  • 14:26 Blog entry up: Additional tickets available!: posted by Dan Guy A brief update concerning Neil's .. #
  • 15:26 Blog entry up: Being a Demonstration Along Strictly Macabre Lines: posted by Dan Guy Some weeks a.. #
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