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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 09:47 The unlikely view from my window. On Oct 12th. Snow? Really? #
  • 09:57 RT @BBCAA Starting Tomorrow, Twitter an Original #Audio Story with BBCAA & #Neil Gaiman Here's how: #bbcawdio #
  • 09:59 (Just figuring out the logistics of my Twitter right now, as I will be landing in twitterblocked Western China then) @BBCAA #bbcawdio #
  • 10:01 Will write my #bbcawdio tweet, leave it on the computer here, & have @fabulouslorrain press send tomorrow. What could possibly go wrong? #
  • 10:08 @AvidBookshop It's for Hallowe'en parties. I hope they haven't happened yet, or we're all in trouble. #
  • 10:11 @mattscutt nobody's ever asked me. And I'm pretty sure I'd say No if they did. #Hitchcon #
  • 10:12 @finallykyle I wasn't THAT erudite then. Mm, then again, I'm not that erudite now. Just making stuff up & doing what I love. #
  • 10:15 @xyon42 yup. It is. #bbcawdio #
  • 10:16 @Tekdiff of course. #< /a>
  • 10:21 @Keffy thank you, Keffy... #
  • 10:23 Trying to decide between Twuffer, Twaiter or Futuretweets. Wish Twuffer &Twaiter didn't sound like something Elmer Fudd would call people. #
  • 14:11 Recorded NPR piece. Now sushi. Then airport. #
  • 14:25 RT recording Morning Edition @furrytigerkitty Neil @ MPR today, #
  • 14:30 @MsClara me so unpredictable #
  • 14:55 In airport. Already missing dog, @maddyg44 and @amandapalmer . And summer. #
  • 15:48 @amandapalmer love you girl. See you in Chengdu in two weeks. #
  • 15:52 @MsClara of course not. #
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