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Monday, September 27, 2010

From Twitter 09-26-2010

@Bigwobbles and she's nice. Don't forget nice. Or funny.
@TheTrekspert almost none.
@KaywinnitFrye he did.
@stevenmitchellw I did and we did.
@xLanceHorne I will make sure I have sugar here then.
@artydandy nothing to do with me. ( or Dr who as far as I know.)
Working as an @Evelynevelyn Roadie on a Sunday morning.
And here are @EvelynEvelyn playing for an audience of cheering Yo Gabba Gabba fans and their parents.
In Boston public library preparing for the literary lights for children event...
@dogeatdoug I thunk so yes.
@Shakti672 I don't think the library had expected hundreds of people.
@neilyourself Hullo Neil.
RT a photo from the signing @amandapalmer: meanwhile, moxy signs @ the boston public library #SurrealSunday

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