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Friday, September 3, 2010

From Twitter 09-02-2010

@andywilx will let you know when it's over. Right now it's like a party in its 18th month. Partygoers in the kitchen who never leave.
Ridiculously tired this morning on 4 hours sleep, but breakfast cheered me. TO DO: 1) Madly Scribble script then 2) fall off world.
@rosannecash waves #InsomniacsWillRuleTheWorld
In case anyone missed it: @greatdismal (Bill Gibson) writes a NYT op-ed about Google. And possibly also about google.
@serafinowicz Oh god. That was YOU? Look, I'm really dreadfully sorry.
I'll be off the map for the next 18 days. No cellphone reception and barely any internet. Be good while I am gone. Do not break the world.
RT is this what the news site stuff was about? @andydiggle: First pic of Sean Penn as SANDMAN: (via @Glinner
@PolitelyOffend pick it up and glue it together.
@warrenellis be merciful to the weak and fearful.
RT @warrenellis: .@neilhimself has just left the internet for 18 days. That means you all belong to me until he returns.

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