Aggregate Twitterage
- 10:34 @SpyArchive Truman isn't a ghoul. Read more carefully. .. #
- 10:54 @GenevieveTweets it's all true. Google will tell all. Or my blob. #
- 10:54 @GenevieveTweets apparently my phone thinks blogs are blobs. #
- 11:03 In Orlando airport. Fog has delayed plane to Atlanta. Hmmm. #
- 11:17 @hellsand definitely. #
- 11:26 @kylb en there is no scenery. Just fog. And it's about a six and a half hour drive. #
- 11:28 Suddenly occurs to me that if I'm talking to 1000 people in Decatur tonight (if fog lifts) then I should think of something to say. #
- 11:49 @hollyherself you don't have to. #
- 12:14 @ericadodd I'll stay till everyone is done. #
- 12:15 @SpyArchive I agree. It is a very bad thing to be eaten by ghouls. #
- 14:53 Landed. Atlanta is as foggy as dickensian L ondon. Very appropriate. #
- 15:01 - The view. What there is of it. #
- 15:35 - The Fog. Part II: More Fog. #
- 15:41 So how many people are in The Decatur Line now? #justcurious #
- 15:50 RT always the truth @kylecassidy: needs more Bigfoot. #
- 15:51 @bloody_molly waves back. #
- 15:57 RT @ic4000: extra ticket for your talk today. If anyo ne is interested, can meet them there and give them tix (678) 640-3270 #
- 16:38 @marlatiara about 200.. #
- 16:39 @GoodGuyComics but cookies must be shared! #
- 16:41 @GoodGuyComics really? That's so wrong. #
- 16:55 RT @CriminalRecords: ATTN: Ticketless fans! @AtlCartoonists has 2 tix for pick up, approx 4m from @AgnesScott. Call 404-534-0141. #
- 16:56 @XmasDickens aw. Thanks Mr D... #
- 01:22 Finished signing about 7 hours after event began. Now back to hotel. Leave for airport in 4 1/2 hrs. Am a bit frazzled. #
- 01:44 Thank you to all 1050 people for being so nice. #