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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 07:17 Woke up proud of myself for having just written huge blog entry about the last six weeks, then realised it doesn't count if you dreamed it. #
  • 07:25 It is nearly 6:30am. I will get up & dress, then go next door & hug @Maddyg44 before she goes to school. It's odd, this dark morning world #
  • 07:35 @laryzderschein thank you so much! #
  • 07:37 @jamesgraham I'm pretty sure the oeuvre in question was written while awake. #
  • 07:41 One odd night 22 years ago Lemmy inadvertently made my life slightly better. Him liking Am erican Gods made me happy: #
  • 08:25 @hollyherself she grew! #
  • 08:25 @Jon_Browne Ah. End of An Era. #
  • 09:00 Seeing a few people asked, I wondered if I'd ever told the Lemmy story anywhere. One Google later, and I found it: #
  • 09:12 @Jeffersonap really? I think I'm pretty cogent, within 140 character limits. What didn't you understand? #
  • 09:14 @TheFreud one and the same. #
  • 09:31 @Jeffersonap hm. Did you click on the link in the first Lemmy tweet? Or the second? There was much info there. Wikipedia's also your friend #
  • 09:33 @amandapalmer I told you. AGA. Also, AGA toast. #
  • 09:49 @Jeffersonap not to worry, I suspect the stranger of the tweets may make more sense if you click on the links. #
  • 09:50 @MrBillyBones is it here and waiting for me? #
  • 10:51 @finallykyle I've never forgotten the key to the box, Kyle. Lorraine lost it and Amanda forgot it last time she was here. Now no Amanda. #
  • 10:53 @Jeffersonap no, "not to worry" is a colloquial English phrase intended to reassure someone. Click on this link now: #
  • 11:24 @jbhelfrich i expect so. #
  • 14:30 RT Hector and Alfonse are two birds. Hector wants to be a writer. And I'm, er, a guest bird writer: @estevaoribeiro: #
  • 18:00 In Mickey's Diner in st Paul with lovely @lotuselyse. Just signed 200 graveyard books, 250 Odd &Frostgiants for midwestern booksellers assoc #
  • 18:21 Right. Back to hall to make a short speech and accept Best Young Adult book award for Graveyard Book. #
  • 18:22 @toadstar it's out this week #
  • 19:31 Listening to Michael Perry's award speech for "Coop". He is hilarious (also very nice guy). #
  • 19:34 Learning all about artificial insemination of cows. So funny. I have to read "Coop". #
  • 21:11 @lisajane29 no, but I knew her ex husband. #
  • 21:58 @lisajane29 Don. He produced @therealclivebarker's first film. #
  • 22:03 More food with @lotuselyse (Sakura) &now back to hotel to sign more books. Tomorrow=children's book breakfast.I will speak on ODD+FROSTGIANT #
  • 22:16 @peacockpete I hope so. #
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