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Saturday, August 8, 2009

From Twitter 08-08-2009

  • 01:21:38: Having a wonderful time, although a bit exhausted. Declined the offer to do a commentary on CORALINE, and instead introduced it.
  • 01:31:32: @pericula you ignored me when I told you to sign up for @qikipedia, but you listened to Mr Tweet. He doesn't love you like I do, Peri.
  • 01:55:29: Er... that was the CORALINE screening at #worldcon tonight I'm talking about. Not DVD. Wasn't ever asked to comment on DVD.
  • 04:39:40: Blog entry up: Worldcon Signing info: posted by Neil Too tired to think or blog. Long long day. Ph..
  • 09:21:28: @daphatkat not at all. I had agreed to sign some books for charity and do an interview next. And no-one had asked me.
  • 10:47:26: RT @MrBillyBones The 888,888 moment approaches. (Kind of looks like a police line-up for snowmen.)
  • 10:53:40: @JamilahandCatz it is very difficult to stop any German way of doing things because you are told This is how we do it here & that is that.
  • 11:01:25: @MattWBP three fat ladies looking at themselves in a mirror?
  • 11:19:15: I'm in Hamburg, Germany, for the Harbor Front Festival at 17.00 on the 18th of September. Details and tickets at
  • 11:21:17: @andydiggle that's a book title.
  • 12:04:44: @JamilahandCatz I will.
  • 12:39:12: Blog entry up: ....pation!: posted by Neil I'm awake and happy. The convention was much more inter..
  • 23:37:53: @SarahRettger which one?
  • 23:40:38: @CallMeGoldie will keep breath bated.
  • 23:50:26: Everyone I am in the bar with is on twitter except delia sherman. But I can't remember any twitternames. It's been a long day.

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