Aggregate Twitterage
- 09:58 Fell jetlagasleep on sofa last night while writing, & woke up with cracked computer screen. HOW? Was I fighting aliens in my sleep? Or ants? #
- 10:03 RT bugger. I hadn't thought of that. @saharial: @neilhimself - maybe something got out... #
- 10:10 While in London I signed some STARDUST movie posters for the Scottish charity and their "Stardust" appeal. #
- 10:12 And next friday in Stockholm there will be an event at which you will be encouraged to dress as Coraline characters #
- 11:09 RT Lexington High School FTW @photoexaminer: Here's @Amandapalmer's play online: Enjoy! #
- 12:38 @amandapalmer okay. I was going to blog it, so I'll keep it unblogged until you've got an edit you're happy with. Happy Thursday. #
- 12:45 @MitchBenn And it's not even like you're convincing. I mean "Pretty much watchable mostly" for Coraline? "Good spelling" for American Gods? #
- 14:09 Blog entry up: ants and screencracks: posted by Neil Somehow in my sleep last night (fell asleep w.. #
- 14:45 @RealRobBrydon you might be. I mean, Marianne Faithful was. But only in urban legend, of course. #
- 18:33 @amandapalmer - Mm. You look so much happier in it than I do, even though I have eyes and you do not. Probably, ... #
- 18:43 sorry about the nightmares @Eveningsdawn @CharityV and anyone who clicked on #
- 19:33 @atgm613 I have no idea. #
- 20:08 @atgm613 I don't think I've printed out a manuscript that I've sent anywhere for a very long time. #
- 21:30 @bethofalltrades or magnificently bad. #
- 21:47 Lovely interview with @therealtoriamos at #
- 22:57 .@traveleish I'm not convinced my being on the What weird-looking guy do you still totally want to have sex with? list is a badge of honour #
- 22:58 .@traveleish but thank you anyway. #
- 23:13 @frogworth I know. I liked it that way too. #
- 23:16 Er, as many of you already figured out, that was a list at - not my suggestion. #
- 23:17 @jillinski and it wasn't a RT, so extra puzzling. Not to worry. #
- 23:22 .@cabri if you're curious about the replies you're missing, you can always go to and look. But it's clunky. #
- 23:25 .@koorbash the Coraline Stockholm event: #
- 23:31 @crataegus ah. I should have realised it broke the reply thread. #fixreplies #twitterfail #
- 23:41 RT photos of bees and such @fabulouslorrain New Bee Blog up! #
- 23:58 @L_A_Pub_Library that's heartwarming. Thank you! #
- 01:41 @katebornstein a couple of deals before dawn. #
- 02:48 @Wossy I have this vision of Ben, Ewan and Eminem gazing with hurt, lost faces as one by one you devoured all the custard creams. #
- 02:49 started to doze off on couch, and taking Maddy to school in morning. So goodnight world. #