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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 06:32 @southships Oh God. #
  • 06:41 This made me smile: (Er, the modified ad, not the ap) #
  • 14:15 @Taxidermied just don't tell them how late it was. #
  • 19:26 Ipad users: is SANDMAN #1 as an app. (t's the recoloured, corrected version from Absolute Sandman Book 1.) #
  • 19:46 @beeso probably iPhone too -- it's the new DC app #
  • 19:50 Er.. the iPad etc app is Comixology - - and you buy Sandman through that, as far as i can tell.... #
  • 19:51 @StephStricklen got it. see last tweet. #
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