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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 04:40 It's the longest day today. Here's wishing all my readers a very summery sort of a Solstice, and a moment of #midsummermadness... #
  • 08:35 (Happy Antipodean Wintery solstice to all Southern Hemispheric Twitterers. From here on out your days get longer.) #
  • 08:36 @delmol Happy Birthday! #
  • 10:35 Wonderful interview with @glinner about IT, comedy, twitter etc in the Guardian at In real life he does not look mad. #
  • 14:00 Die Roten Punkte were a highlight of last year's Edinburgh Fringe bit .ly/dgjc5e They're only in NY for a week: #
  • 14:16 @JackieKessler so sweet of you! Thank you! #
  • 14:28 @SammiMD thankyou! #
  • 14:33 @hayleycampbelly - Hm. Avoid the rare & dangerous Islington Venomous Cherry, the fruit that kills & eats people. #
  • 16:45 @mollycrabapple you're always welcome, Molly. (And point your people at the place they can buy D esert Wind too, at ) #
  • 19:41 @capnmarrrrk there's a TARDIS for sale? Does it make the Vwoorrp Vwooorrp noise? #
  • 21:50 LOOK! NEW BLOG ENTRY this is the way "Cabal Fortnight" ends...: posted by Dan Guy Web goblin h... WARNING:Contains me #
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