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Monday, June 7, 2010

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 12:05 @neilowhite then your idea of rudeness is a very long way from mine. I thought it was a pleasantry in response to a sweet tweet. But YMMV. #
  • 12:10 Said goodbye to @paulandstorm & @wilw (& Anne) & @birdchick. Fine houseguests. Later today: @Scalzi! It's like a Twitterfriends hotel here. #
  • 14:27 @wiredjazz thank you! #
  • 14:28 @sandraslad you can send stuff to UK publishers and it will eventually get here, but the US addresses are much more reliable. #
  • 14:31 @mbdrake remember ? #
  • 14:33 @Smilee306 use icerocket or tweetgrid (or even google) and they go back further #1b1t #
  • 15:07 @peterstraubnyc bloody poets #
  • 15:12 @peterstraubnyc I really hope so! #
  • 16:24 @SnorlaxIsHungry But if you'd googled you would have found, for example, /article/5093/ #
  • 17:11 @SnorlaxIsHungry that's good. And thank you. #
  • 17:26 @foundmag my kind of mom. #
  • 17:26 @sackfullofgeek no. It is a weta dalek. #
  • 00:17 @theyear1905 I thought it was pure Richard Curtis. #
  • 00:18 @Felupi congratulations! #
  • 00:19 @popecinema wow. Where are you? #
  • 00:20 @karinagw not a problem. #
  • 00:22 @lklinger all in a good way. #
  • 00:43 A quiet evening of trout and Dr Who and "is that Venus or a plane?" with @Scalzi. #
  • 01:55 @BadAstronomer we spotted Mars too (hurrah for Google Sky Map on my Nexus 1). #
  • 02:02 @ActuallyNPH @wilw Facebook were very helpful when I asked t o take over the Fake Me page and make it a real one. Happy to pass on info. #
  • 02:34 RT I don't think so. Any ideas for her? @jdbohatch Have you seen any scholarly reviews (etc) of your poem Instructions? #writingalessonplan #
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