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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 12:55 @louierazon I think he's already spent about 18 months in New Zealand waiting to start. I'm just glad if he'll be making movies. #
  • 12:57 @bethofalltrades come out with @dharma_punx some time, with or without the ukulele queen. Meet the cats. #
  • 12:58 @smittenerest wouldn't the end result be the same? #
  • 12:59 @DavidtheLight yes. #
  • 13:00 @russellfranks it was wonderful seeing yo ur wife and meeting your son at the wedding... #
  • 13:03 RT @SamEades: Stories, co-edited by @neilhimself, "bridges the gap between genres... truly an anthology for the ages" #
  • 13:03 @vampandora nope. Grilled trout stuffed with lemon and chive-flowers, with almond sauce. #
  • 14:21 @indeciSEAN I was keeping the bees and dogs in reserve. #
  • 15:12 @Sam__Weller thank you so much! Give him my very best. #< /a>
  • 16:37 @fuckyeahkier interesting yes. #
  • 17:21 RT a new twitter toy? @kylecassidy: Wow. A lot more people follow both me & @darenzia than follow both me & @neilhimself - #
  • 18:00 Ah. @sxipshirey and a pack of white dogs walking in the woods this morning. #
  • 18:00 Here at the cedar Cultural centre in Minneapolis with @amandapalmer, @jasonwebley & @sxipshirey. Some tickets still available for tonight. #
  • 18:07 @iAdoreChrisette Hi! #
  • 20:45 @cathyab You are! #
  • 20:45 @abitheamazing sorry. I will this week. #
  • 21:47 @indeciSEAN Pearl. She's staying with us. #
  • 21:50 @theagilmore Nigel's CD arrived! #
  • 22:00 @palf75 not that I know of... #
  • 22:01 RT @farleykj: @neilhimself Be sure to mention that Odd is a mere $6 for hard cover at Amazon. #
  • 23:01 @Tishalulle1 I quite like good Mead. Not all of my characters do. #
  • 01:36 @kbeilz I think it's a webcast. #
  • 02:47 Salmon chanted evening. #sushisongs #
  • 03:23 RT @MitchBenn: Sashimi Feel Me Touch Me Heal Me #sushisongs #
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