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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 11:36 @Blue3lf it's Crowley. Who published your copy? #
  • 11:38 @Dakota3766 all details at #
  • 11:39 @ComicConDoc you're welcome. It's all @briolsen's fault. #
  • 11:40 RT @GoshComics: Wednesday Comics HC on the shelf tomorrow. Here's @neilhimself talking about it on USA Today #
  • 11:58 @thechinoliaoexp because the ways I figured of making a 1602 Iron Man all involved Steam & would have cooked Tony the first time he wore it. #
  • 14:10 @cityseeds supers are now on. (One super, one Ross Rounds.) #
  • 14:11 @CTotzDiamond not at all. It's George Orwell's coinage, from 1984, not mine. #
  • 14:25 RT (The story of my life for the last few years) @pattonoswalt: At an airport. About to fly to another airport. #
  • 14:30 Happy Birthday to the wonderful @greygirlbeast - whose birthday was celebrated on NPR this morning by Mr Keillor himself #
  • 16:42 @NeverIsForever glad you enjoyed it! #
  • 17:35 Just heard that "Instructions" is now in its third week on the NYT bestseller list. Reason enough to repost the video: #
  • 17:45 For the bee-curious: the red hive today after the reversal and addition of super and ross round super. #
  • 18:55 @Divinipotent a) writer b) writer c) writer d) writer e) writer. Unless they don't like writing. #
  • 19:48 @SamuelEllmer if you have the space for it, are not allergic to bees, and like honey, yes. #
  • 19:52 @amandapalmer can you blame him? #ReDraft #
  • 20:20 Vaguely disappointed to learn that BP's "top kill procedure" will leave its entire executive strata alive. #
  • 22:03 @BriOlsen oops. My goof. that should have read @BriOlson, not @BriOlsen. Nothing is your fault at all. #
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