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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 11:12 @InuaEllams like I said, twittering while nasty. #
  • 11:13 @McNeillsWheels sorry. I put comments between RT and the name of the retweeted. #
  • 12:14 Just took "Which Crazy Writer Are You?" and got: Tom Wolfe! Try it ➔ #
  • 12:18 Tom Wolfe? Oh well. (Probably I wasn't an option.) #
  • 12:43 @traceysolomon agreed. I would have liked to have been Angela Carter. #
  • 12:44 @alizalalalandia that was very sweet of you. Great photos too. #
  • 12:46 @FairyKingAub until Twitter becomes Formal Writing, no, I meant exactly what I said. This is a colloquial forum. #
  • 12:46 @bstiteler I know. #
  • 14:28 @amandapalmer I know I'm going to regret asking this, but... how many pairs of pyjamas have I left there? #LaundryDay #
  • 14:28 @CallMeGoldie good luck! Sell much comedy! #
  • 14:46 @amandapalmer any socks? #LaundryDay #
  • 14:47 @threeparts: I don't know. Whatever's not here, I suppose. #SheSaidToAskYou #
  • 15:15 @amandapalmer I wondered what had eaten the toothbrush charger. #
  • 16:20 @vagabond92 Her flat can be COLD. #
  • 16:51 Not sure what I love more about @theindelicates current music release plan: the music, the attitude or the logo #
  • 17:33 @katertotter I really like them. #
  • 19:27 Right. @maddyg44 and I are off to see Video Games Live in orchestra hall. But first... Sushi! #
  • 19:29 @fabricninja it ends at 9 due to union rules. #
  • 19:30 @mrseb bwahahaetc. #
  • 22:07 - Video games live is wonderful so far. Maddy and friends loving it... (Jack Wall conducting). #
  • 23:25 @Shariviolin I hope so. I think she likes me. #
  • 01:23 @wickedlibrarian yay. #
  • 01:30 Home! Video Games Live was wonderful, Jack, Cindy & Tommy were amazing hosts. @maddyg44 was happy. Tomorrow night we watch Dr Who ep 2. #
  • 01:34 @jessnevins are there any panels of the Ghana comics online? #
  • 01:36 @TheAlucinaut Best bet might as well be to start watching them now on BBC america, and borrow the DVDs of se asons 1-4 if you like them. #
  • 02:02 @voiceovgod next season. It'll probably be episode 3. #
  • 02:18 An instant review of tonight's Video Games Live performance by @jaygabler: #
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