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Monday, March 29, 2010

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 05:05 @Valya lots of great ones. (Zanzibar?) ought to pick one but have been whirling around the world. #
  • 05:41 - From a Moscow restaurant 48 hours ago. Meet the Beatles. #
  • 05:44 @klutzow you book a normal room and on arrival you are given a presidential suite. #
  • 05:46 @Marjorie73 actually that was a real breakfast at Milford in 1987 retold. #
  • 10:03 @imogenheap it feels tickly and electr ic. #
  • 12:38 More photos of me talking (and signing) in Russia: #
  • 12:58 RT more Russian pix @b000ka: And here are the photos from Dodo by different people. #
  • 13:01 @spanielf thank you! I may use it as a Facebook profile photo. #
  • 16:31 At the Jazz Cafe alternately watching friends sing soul and writing in a notebook descriptions of people who only exist in my head. #
  • 18:56 @skyla79 yup. The Camden one. I was there with Lenny. #
  • 18:56 @Missjademusic very wise. #
  • 18:57 @jamesmcgraw sorry about that. Now I feel ashamed I got in for free. #
  • 18:58 @LittleRedPhoto don't think so. Did you send it to the FAQ line or somewhere else? #
  • 19:16 Could "Minnow" be a girl's name, or is it horribly twee and silly? #
  • 19:36 Really useful responses & reactions everyone, pro and con, thank you. (Exc ept for the 3 people who assumed @amandapalmer must be pregnant.) #
  • 19:49 @NoniDoll I'm a writer. I name characters all the time. My jaw dropped at the "pregnant" tweets. #
  • 19:50 @knit1purr2 er... because you don't think I'd see your tweets? #
  • 04:00 @nenegirl888 nope. I am a thousand miles from Moscow, and awake. But I am in a hotel room. #
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