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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 04:32 LOOK! NEW BLOG ENTRY Another Post From The Eternal Transit Lounge of the Soul: posted by Neil ... WARNING:Contains me #
  • 10:22 And for the curious Aeroflot was disappointingly terrific. Victoria Beckham sat in the next seat over and bought duty free vodka. Very thin. #
  • 10:51 Am doing the buy a new SIM card everywhere thing. It's working like a dream. #
  • 10:51 Checked into hotel. Seriously jetlagged to point where unraveling my reservation turned into a feat of calculation.braindead me needs nap. #
  • 11:32 @Courtneyloveuk really nice job on the Guardian pages. #
  • 13:52 RT it really us @sinistra_blache: Delirium wig, beautifully done #
  • 13:57 @AnneBillson I loved it anyway. #
  • 19:23 @agnieszkasshoes none taken. By Indie do you mean publishers? #
  • 20:17 @lxluthor The loss and the grief fade with time. Or they transmute into something else. I'm so sorry. #
  • 20:21 @fairytalevegas not for a long time. Like 13, 14 months... #< /li>
  • 20:26 I'm going to be in the same country until Wednesday. It's glorious. I could grow to love this not-changing-countries-all-the-time thing. #
  • 20:49 @eachus yup. #
  • 20:51 Goodnight world. And a special goodnight to @maddyg44 for I miss her so much: see you next Wednesday. #
  • 03:21 RT @randimason: win Vess gift basket (it's got a copy of @neilhimself s new book INSTRUCTIONS!) ^_^ #
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