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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 03:51 @amandapalmer still lost? If you are found, bring food. I love you. #
  • 03:59 Wonderful interviewer and audience tonight at Town Hall. Glad the signing only took 3&a half hours. Have lost fiancĂ©e. #
  • 05:10 Lost fiancee was sitting in restaurant 30 feet away all this time. #
  • 16:27 @Pami_Therese read Susanna Clarke's JONATHAN STRANGE AND MR NORRELL. Or Margo Lanagan's TENDER MORSELS. #
  • 16:29 @markcubey Ah well. At least they went out that once... #
  • 16:33 The facebook page to get the LibDems to endorse Open Internet is at - sign up, whatever your politics (via @doctorow) #
  • 17:24 @nzlemming "what are your thoughts on copyright?" is a short question. #
  • 17:28 @BrianKeene @raingraves alas. Fingers crossed I will have all four hives this spring. #
  • 22:21 @nzlemming nope. #
  • 23:58 Starting to decompress after Wellington. Day off to rest & write as @amandapalmer gently sleeps. I miss my dog & @maddyg44 but all is good. #
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