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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 15:11 Playing with new Nexus 1. It's blazing fast. Makes the MyTouch feel slow, sloppy and antiquated. Nice job, Google. (More after a few days) #
  • 15:19 @BenButton lots of the short stories, yes. #
  • 16:01 @danguyf It definitely makes fewer mistakes than the old one, and the speech transcription seems accurate... #
  • 16:46 @ICregular it should be back in print in March. It's already been reprinted but is on a slow boat from China. #
  • 19:43 @NateRobin son222 feeling a bit interviewed out right now. I think I'm going to take an interview holiday until the next book is done. #
  • 21:19 NEW BLOG ENTRY: Roundup of hasty strangeness...: posted by Neil Various partly-composed blog ... + sex, violence &ct. #
  • 21:22 @MitchBenn Hurrah!!! 40 is the new 17, you know. #
  • 23:06 Am plugging my friend Geoff Notkin's @MeteoriteMen TV show: tomorrow 9 pm #
  • 23:32 Alas. Robert B Parker turns the final page. #
  • 00:10 @SuperCricket I get hundreds of emails I don't answer every week. #
  • 00:11 @JessicaDwyer sure #
  • 00:15 For those who liked @danagoodyear's @NewYorker article, & those who didn't, Dana & I are answering Questions at 3 Pm ET #
  • 00:21 @ClarendonCare if you phrase it more politely and submit the question, I'm sure Dana will answer. #
  • 00:22 @JackViolet swim, or sink. One or the other. #
  • 00:24 @thesarahcoleman @diablocody but what if you only became a nuclear physicist so you didn't have to appear in the gossip magazines? #
  • 00:26 @ClarendonCare actually, I think you have to submit questions at #
  • 00:26 @JessicaDwyer contact @fabulouslorrain #
  • 00:30 @dloehr send her a comment and tell her. No-one likes to write into a vaccuum. #
  • 00:50 Man does an idiot twitter of frustration, gets arrested: Fascinating. #
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