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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 11:47 @bstiteler Aw, Bill. I actually laughed out loud at that. #
  • 11:49 @birdchick I promise you will never hear it again from me. That phase is so over. #
  • 13:59 @katrinagalore you were great! #
  • 14:05 Missed plane due to leftover BA & FlyBe reticketing uselessness. Wld be grumpier but going to have lunch with Amanda. Can't grump abt that. #
  • 14:08 NEW BLOG ENTRY: Argh: posted by Neil I'm at a counter at logan airport tryi.. + sex, violence &ct. #
  • 16:02 @loneswords no. #
  • 17:01 @loneswords I think it was funny the first time I heard it but it's got very old very fast. #
  • 17:42 Pulled out of line by TSA and given a thorough pat-down, still avoiding areas I could've hidden explosive. It's #safetytheatre, isn't it? #
  • 17:43 @serafinowicz let @Eddie at twitter know. He fixed mine. #
  • 22:27 RT @jessebdylan: New scanners break child porn laws -- oops - this is a large problem. #
  • 01:37 It seems unlikely that a hashtag I made up is in a Wall St Journal Blog Headline. Unlikely but true: #biggaybattle #
  • 01:48 @pgerak no, I'm not in the battle. #
  • 01:49 @jadedrain how much honey would you want? #
  • 03:02 @amandapalmer no, love. It's not next year. You'll confuse @sandyfishnets. It's THIS year now. But the old THIS year is now LAST year. #
  • 03:16 Look, @melissa_marr is giving away books she likes by other people. Including six signed by me: #
  • 03:50 @wdcampbell you are very welcome! #
  • 03:50 @Pickleblossom I very hope my signature and my identity are very, very different. #
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