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Friday, January 1, 2010

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 08:51 @liquidsasquatch @dmmch no wonder I got such a strange night's sleep. I was appearing in everyone's dreams. #
  • 08:52 It's the last day of the year and I am blogging in bed. #
  • 09:15 @Nymeth you're welcome. Thank you for supporting them. #
  • 10:00 @mrkraft I'm doing better than that. I'm staying in a hotel 6 blocks away while she practices Tchaikovsky undisturbed. #
  • 10:03 @kevshindig I will see it before I leave, yes. #
  • 10:35 @gralinnaea no! They have professionals for that. #
  • 10:40 Blogged. Now waiting in the cold for a breakfast table so @amandapalmer doesn't have to. In wars they hand out medals for this. #
  • 12:05 NEW BLOG ENTRY: How I got to Boston: posted by Neil My son Mike had to be b.. + sex, violence &ct. #
  • 12:06 @Maudelynn who do you think taught Mark? (Not me, actually. But I've never made you a cup of tea, Dan'a.) #
  • 12:19 @GodTheMother thank you! And may you have whatever lady gods want in 2010. #
  • 12:21 Sharon, you're evil @birdchick: In honor of National Library Week, here's another @neilhimself "Hey Girl" #
  • 12:31 Quick show of hands: Do you prefer the New Year's Wishes at or (right down the bottom) ? #
  • 12:31 RT beautiful and creepy! @jackschofield: Did you catch Rodrigo Blaas' award-winning 5-minute Alma cartoon? #
  • 12:34 @birdchick Evil McEvil more like. This is your revenge for me deserting you and Bill on New Year's Eve, isn't it? #
  • 12:48 @Wolfsmoon not sure where that quote is from... #
  • 13:02 It seems to be perfectly split between people who like the first best and people who like the second. Bugger. I was hoping for a landslide. #
  • 13:50 Was just told that we ended the year as we began it, with Graveyard Book still on the NYT Bestseller list. Thanks all who bought it in 2010 #
  • 13:53 @mgaiman oh good. #
  • 13:53 @hollyherself brilliant. #
  • 14:28 Have never said `yes, but other instruments don't kill people if anything goes wrong' before. #
  • 15:18 @FunnyHatSyd aw thank you. #
  • 15:51 On the stage, an orchestra and @amandapalmer. On the floor, a baker's dozen of semi-naked ladies. Life is odd. Honest. #
  • 16:00 @greygirlbeast why aren't you here, Cait? I miss you! #
  • 16:29 @HypnoRaygun sure. There used to be things like Twittersnooze for when someone had a tweets-too-much day. #
  • 18:06 Amanda and Beth backstage #
  • 18:07 NEW BLOG ENTRY: Wishes: posted by Neil I have to read something tonight, if.. + sex, violence &ct. #
  • 01:57 It was a chainsaw. #
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