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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 13:32 Was just sent this "Nicholas Was..." YouTube video. Nicely done and, y'know, seasonal. Ho. Ho. Ho. #
  • 14:07 @docbrite Ah. I have to get out to New Orleans in the next few months, and you have to take me to Green Goddess. Love. #
  • 14:09 @RichyAtBeazley No. #
  • 14:33 Read this: and then go here, read the memoir and vote... (John Brunner was a great SF writer) #
  • 14:45 @MsClara do you have enough for a #thingsgretasays book, yet? #
  • 14:46 RT (& me if I can find my tux) @BostonSymphony: Tickets still available for New Year's with Amanda Palmer & the Pops! #
  • 15:12 @MsClara you & Mitch could create @thingsgretasays & post them from there. Then they could be longer! And we could follow it & not miss any. #
  • 15:12 @PaigeOgilvie how so? #
  • 17:46 @PaigeOgilvie I don't know, Paige. Thin k about what it is that you're asking, then write to me on the FAQ line of my website. #
  • 17:47 @tat2child he was a great writer. The Shockwave Rider and Stand on Zanzibar are as good now as they were then. #
  • 18:46 @carlygirlwriter got it. I think it works both ways: publishers like teen writers, but are wary of them... #
  • 18:54 Oh @MITCHBENN have you no SHAME? D'you think that the GULLIBLE will pay good money for this app? ELVIS is DEAD, sirrah! #
  • 19:02 @damiengwalter read Shockwave Rider, Damien. Then imagine it was written in a world before computer viruses. Pretty much before computers... #
  • 19:05 @Baopublishing thank you so much! #
  • 19:07 @PaigeOgilvie good luck. is the place to send stuff that will eventually reach me. #
  • 19:07 @sandman_gr aw. Thank you. #
  • 19:17 O @MitchBenn 1st, 'twas Miss @amandapalmer who SOLD my daughter for GOATS. 2nd: I have seen & am ASHAMED for HUMA NITIE. #
  • 19:22 @PaigeOgilvie @medusacascade0 see @mitchbenn's spelling of INTEGRITIE #
  • 19:25 @MitchBenn Ner? Mitch, you're a highlypaid standup comedian & songwriter. You do crushing zingers and whole-song put-downs. & I get a Ner? #
  • 19:27 @papercu_t no, just faux 18th century as a small @mitchbenn & I tribute to @DrSamuelJOHNSON #
  • 19:34 @iyuh_kitty glad you enjoyed it. (Merry. Hoho.) #
  • 2 0:27 @Calder101 Either they like you, or they like it. But it is a romance, so perhaps it was a romantic thing. #
  • 22:12 @jimmietwotimes I do not know. We must write and complain... #
  • 22:16 Great to see CORALINE on the Huffington Post's 10 Best Films of the Year list: #
  • 22:17 RT I'll be there on Feb 4th @UCLALive: Coraline tops Annie Award noms with 10! @neilhimself @ Royce Hall 2/4/10 #
  • 22:49 For those in the Boston area: you can see STATUESQUE screened at the @amandapalmer NYE Pops show! details at #
  • 02:39 Realised I now need reading glasses. Feel like Burgess Meredith as Mr Bemis in "The Twilight Zone", but minus the nuclear holocaust. #
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