Aggregate Twitterage
- 09:12 Publicist @lotuselyse was more creeped than delighted by the mystery photo, & was relieved to discover I hadn't been murdered in the night. #
- 09:23 - I took the photo and left a note in the frame. #
- 09:39 Leaving Chilly Winnipeg. Lots more complaints coming in that my tweets aren't showing up on Tweetdeck. (Are you also telling @tweetdeck?) #
- 10:45 @cleolinda so beautiful yet so tragic. #
- 10:46 RT what not to do: @cleolinda: Author flips out on Amazon reviewers (main entry), calls FBI (linked comment): #
- 13:02 @cdibona @zoecello Sloth for me. #7deadlysins #
- 13:33 @zoecello that's why it's such an amazing sin. Sloth ftw #7deadlysins #
- 13:34 @thesarahcoleman that sounds like a story. Do they wear costumes? #
- 13:50 - Stuff at Dreamhaven waiting for me to sign. Yes. O god. #
- 14:59 Too-tired author has signed Dreamhaven stock. and now food and home home home. #
- 15:13 @PrecisionGrace because that would be wrong. #
- 16:02 @Jodyth get the @themoth and the bbc Friday night comedy podcast (includes @mitchbenn) #
- 18:58 Aw. I am suddenly suffused by the Xmas Spirit after watching this Bunny shadow-film by Raymond Crowe (unusualist) #
- 21:02 @Kaylotta you did great! I was so tired, and really touched. #
- 23:45< /em> @phunkysai you shock me. I thought it indicated that the Festival in question was adults only. #
- 01:15 @TashaRobinson I'm pretty sure it's passionfruit. #
- 02:45 @Zenbomb Lord of Light is an amazing work, and in print. #