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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 12:18 @BBakerTX I've a white German shepherd dog. #
  • 16:18 Hilarious and sad. I've just discovered that a quote of mine from SANDMAN is now being misattributed to Shakespeare #
  • 16:18 @ibwhitty nope. #
  • 16:39 @BullHorn they're all different. Some people like Neverwhere as a starter. #
  • 16:52 @piratemist wow. Well, if a famous physics professor says it was Shakespeare... #
  • 16:53 @greygirlbeast that's wonderful, Cait. Sort of a Yeats infection. #
  • 17:02 @greygirlbeast I'll be here all week. #
  • 17:02 @flamefoto but it was Dream, in Sandman, who said it. #
  • 17:03 @wilw only without the stabbing, we hope. #
  • 17:37 @seanfish nope. #
  • 19:35 RT @peterstraubnyc: It is a fool's prerogat ive to think that Shakespeare wrote every memorable phrase. #
  • 19:36 Off with @Amandapalmer and friends and family to see THE DONKEY SHOW at the ART. Not actual donkeys. Acting. #
  • 19:38 @marnanel and mark Twain #
  • 23:31 @Losile we have to keep hiding under things to avoid you. #
  • 23:31 @fae_kae has that gone out? must investigate... #
  • 23:38 @fae_kae which segment was I in? I'll RT it to the world. #
  • 23:55 @Losile -- grin #
  • 23:56 I learned from @fae_kaet that I am in this week's, talking about books. End of 1st part, start of 2nd. #
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