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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 10:55 They have an oblique strategies deck application on android. This makes me happy. #
  • 10:57 @PatientJ yup. Love the Crossley Holland Norse book. #
  • 11:39 @ymperez just write. #
  • 11:42 @maureenjohnson definitely less kidnappy. #
  • 11:42 @Lunachique nope. What was it? #
  • 21:41 @marisol_l90l9o the Chinese government b locks things. Why specifically twitter? Dunno. Why blogger and not livejournal? Dunno... #
  • 21:43 @betsytor the cost is set that high to discourage people. Otherwise I'd spend 365 days a year doing library/university talks & never write. #
  • 21:45 A drawing by me from the mists of time; @larrymarder posts something from his convention sketchbook #
  • 21:46 @Lunachique because the ghouls like titles. And why him? He was on the menu. #
  • 21:49 @plural it's running great on my MyT ouch. And has some of my iPhone friends envious as their Oblique strategies app has vanished. #
  • 21:50 @davegrilli where would I find the widget? #
  • 21:51 @Marrionetta who? what? #
  • 21:53 @rosedelarra you're very welcome. Your dad and I had lunch near Pan Books about 20 years ago & talked Borribles, & I can't remember why. #
  • 21:55 @chiieddy alas no. #
  • 21:55 @prissyaprilia thank you! and yes, same me. #
  • 01:27 @LaurelSnyder she's Greg Brown's daughter, isn't she? #
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