Aggregate Twitterage
- 09:02 @JamilahandCatz I'd ask @bethofalltrades. #
- 09:04 @mrsimahara good luck with that. #
- 09:09 @cidrael ah, thank you. #
- 09:59 Blog entry up: The Murder Re-Enacted: posted by Neil The Graveyard Book just won a literary award, which never gets... #
- 11:35 In the St Paul NPR studios. About to hear the edited MORNING EDITION "Open Mike" piece I did on Audiobooks. Nervous. Hope it's okay. #
- 11:45 @Lankylurkr oh I am amazingly flappable. Just watch me in a strange airport. #
- 20:04 Signed books for dreamhaven to sell. Got haircut. Took daughter to violin. Now sitting in restaurant as she & best friend do homework. #
- 22:33 @IntNorbertCon famous fiddlesticks. They have violin 45 mins from home and finish late... #
- 00:30 @jasonmchin looks like junk science to me. 43 "Spacy valley girl" tweets? #
- 00:32 Someone needed my signature attached to email to prove it was from me. I googled for my signature jpg, & attached it. Unsure what it proved. #
- 01:59 @EuanKerr significantly less rotund these days. Great to bump into you today. #
- 02:00 @trevordeewade never trust biographies. #
- 02:03 (Lots of people explaini ng that what was needed was a "digital signature" PGP etc. Which honestly was not what they asked for, or meant.) #
- 02:17 Blog entry up: Radio! Books! Violin Lessons! Also, a haircut I do not mention anywhere in this blog!: posted by Neil... #
- 02:57 @DaphneUn - It's me! That's wonderful. #
- 02:58 @mbdrake that was what I thought. But this was an Academic Institution, and they had thought about the matter very deeply. #
- 02:59 @celsius tell her I'm so pleased she liked it. #
- 02:59 @aunt_mamie yes. #
- 03:05 Things About Which I am Excited Currently; A New Magnetic Fields CD on Jan 26 (with 1 song cut from CORALINE musical) #