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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 05:59 Bugger. Slept for 3 & 1/2 hours but now am utterly awake. Do I get up before 5am and make myself breakfast or just lie here in the dark? #
  • 06:11 Right. 60% of you think I should lie in the dark. 40% think breakfast. I will go with the minority as I am not a democracy & am hungry. #
  • 07:32 @patifimbrethil they left a huge pile of semisoft cat vomit just outside my bedroom door to welcome me home when I stepped out in bare feet. #
  • 07:38 People keep asking if I'm really writing Bazooka Joe. No, is a joke. Actually they hired @greatdismal. #
  • 08:23 @AngryAngMo The Singapore literary Festival. It was great, but finished on Monday. #
  • 19:57 All 7-14 year olds in the UK who want to vote in the kids BAFTAs should go to and vote away... #
  • 19:57 RT (Ah. It's official. I'm in New Zealand in March) @gnat: shit hot! @neilhimself speaking in NZ: #
  • 20:09 RT @ronbrinkmann: Photos of @neilhimself library @finallykyle shot as part of Amazon project up as a photosynth: #
  • 20:23 @danguyf - I am amazed and know not what to say. #
  • 20:34 RT beautiful blog entry @CaitlynBenoit: Singing a Song About Coraline #
  • 20:39 RT read and Retweet @dulle_griet: @catvalente 's honeymoon is being destroyed by Expedia. #expediafail #
  • 22:35 @kzzxt @shinigami_eyes alas I do not own Sandman. DC Comics does. So it is not my decision to make. #
  • 22:36 @Scottemigh1994 it's like t he story of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Bible, isn't it? #
  • 23:38 @damonbuxton why not? #
  • 23:46 @damonbuxton That doesn't explain why friends should stop friends from using it. #
  • 00:05 @damonbuxton It's not a video, nor my content. It's MSN joining up some photos of my library- -to show off Silverlight #
  • 00:18 @damonbuxton just a bit puzzled by your response. I'm happy for them to put it up in S ilverlight, & happy to link to it. Why hate a program? #
  • 00:19 @damonbuxton (And not my web developer or my content. As I said, I just retweeted it.) #
  • 00:37 @damonbuxton er... I don't have an MSN deal. But I think I get it: you don't like SIlverlight because you'd have to download it, yes? #
  • 00:39 @damonbuxton got it playing in the background now. Good stuff. #
  • 00:41 keeping fingers crossed for @catvalente and her visa and her honeymoon: #expediafail #
  • 00:49 @justVero Sure: Happy Birthday. #
  • 02:22 @damonbuxton thanks so much! #
  • 02:27 @librarythingtim that's sad and funny. #
  • 03:11 I spent much of this summer playing with a Lomography camera. One of my favourites (of @amandapalmer, oddly) #
  • 03:12 @catvalente good luck. Safe travels. #
  • 03:19 @eargutierrez The LC-A+ #
  • 03:29 Many of you are asking what kind of camera: (The pic was scanned from the film). #
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