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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 08:50 @theefer what??????? I won? #
  • 08:54 Did a signing for 500 people in a thunderstorm, in a covered outside area. Tomorrow will sign for 900. I still love Singapore. #
  • 09:22 @VioletJersey today's signing was open to the public. But tomorrow we're expecting 900 people at the event. #
  • 09:41 @jpalmiotti nope. I ask the organisers to do that. #
  • 09:55 Watching @amandapalmer doing her Singapore book festival gig in former parliament chambers. Delighted audience. Great Amanda. Sleepy me. < a href="">#
  • 11:28 @iheartbeijing last week. I even twittered the talk and signing. Sorry. #
  • 12:11 RT true @amandapalmer: Singapore zombies found a sleeping @neilhimself backstage. I invited them to EAT HIS BRAAAINS #
  • 12:12 RT @manmademoon Hope some out there may have seen Sam Rockwell in Moon. We think he deserves an Oscar Nom. Join us! #
  • 21:23 RT oh god. kill me now. @birdchick: @bstiteler & I as the twitter couple sensation @neilhimself & @amandapalmer #
  • 21:34 RT best Coraline so far @thejillthompson: our first Coraline trick or treater complete with THe Other Mother! #
  • 21:35 @khaosworks you were an excellent moderator! #
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