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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 09:28 @DerrenBrown I once spent 15 mins in Australia talking to someone on the phone while walking around the hotel room looking for my phone. #
  • 09:44 Good MOOORNING Cleveland. Right. Now I will get dressed, check out of this hotel and go to Toledo. Hope I have a reading voice this evening. #
  • 09:51 RT disappointing @Glinner: FAC vote ignores the hypocrisy of Lily Allen's position, vote for 3 strikes.Unbelievable. #
  • 09:57 @toriwoods glad you made it in! #
  • 10:06 @maureenjohnson monday? It's Monday? Really? (Checks. ) Oh. Right. #
  • 10:35 RT @overheardohio: thanks to @lviboheme: "At least we're at a fantasy event. And have hot boyfriends." - girls at the @neilhimself signing. #
  • 10:36 @tullyis probably the Arthur Waley, MONKEY. Or show him DVDs of the UK version of the Japanese TV show MONKEY. (Popular in my house.) #
  • 10:44 Oops. #neilwebfail on the FAC/Lily Allen link. Sorry. #
  • 11:12 @IvyTyler Roger Zelazny. #
  • 11:26 Blog entry up: The Monster That Devoured Cleveland: posted by Neil In a hotel room in Cleveland. .. #
  • 14:20 @JackViolet I did (although I was a bit confused about whether it was a gift or something to sign initially ) #
  • 14:40 Off to wander the streets of Toledo to find somewhere quiet with food where I can sit and eat and write. #
  • 14:50 @elvisrevenge90 bit late now. #
  • 15:37 Last time I was an answer on university challenge nobody got it. Happy to hear it was got tonight. #
  • 16:11 @kellymarciano Depends on whether it's a student film or literary agent if the former, jon levin at Case if latter. #
  • 16:13 @Esuark06 no. #
  • 16:19 About to do a Factory Reset on the mytouch to get it to change orientation. Backed it all up but still: I'm going out, I may be some time. #
  • 17:19 Factory reset worked and mybackup pro made it relatively painless and not as time eating as it might have been. #
  • 17:42 @Appletini77x I use moleskines in coffee shops. #
  • 19:00 @Passeriform stranger than all of those: it was vertical. #
  • 20:22 I think I just got ended. Oh well. That was fun though. #
  • 20:30 @flashj there are no future tweets. Tweets are disposable and of the moment. #
  • 21:37 @TrishaBabbitt er. Nope. Didn't understand that one, and read it twice. #
  • 21:39 There. Toledo was fun. Was about to say my thank-yous to the Library and everyon e when a disembodied voice ended it, so thank you all anyway #
  • 21:40 @sarahdope did you look under the sofa? #
  • 21:48 Dear Hotel, if you've close your restaurant and room service without warning, say "Sorry" not , primly,"It's a management decision". #
  • 21:49 @maureenjohnson er, hotels lie about having room service? #
  • 22:14 @demilavato23 I do, you know. #
  • 22:17 Just went on a nice walk, came back & explained to the frontdesklady that all the places she'd sent me to had kitchens that had closed at 10 #
  • 22:17 @maureenjohnson I knew it! #
  • 22:31 As people point out there is always Denny's. Or there is a mostly chocolate based care package from @FillupMunkee, and I think it wins. #
  • 22:40 @yoboseiyo No. It's not the room service kind of hotel, although it says it is. It's the other kind. #
  • 22:54 @Valya there is. Unfortunately the website says it serves till 10, and that was an hour ago. #
  • 01:55 As seen today on the streets of Toledo. An album cover waiting to happen... #
  • 01:56 @BeautyIsAnimate I do not have a car. #
  • 01:57 @GreenMachine15 thank you. I wonder why they do that. I was only going to speak for a few more minutes, and we weren't yet out of time. #
  • 01:58 @jolieminkbikini I know. @amandapalmer always tells me to travel with snacks. And I should. #
  • 01:59 @tic ia42 no. #
  • 02:52 @kristin42 thanks so much. It's okay -- more sleepy than hungry. #
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