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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 05:41 The best bit of yesterday was the Sky Exec accepting the short film with a delighted "I wouldn't change a frame of it". So proud of my team. #
  • 05:43 Also @manmademoon and @maureenjohnson liked my film. That was good too. #
  • 06:20 @stevenmitchellw I am not glaring at you personally, Steven. I am glaring at the injustices of the world. Er. #
  • 06:23 RT (how cool) @edkaye: Neil, you should really check out this drawing of you by artist Leigh Gallagher! #
  • 06:25 The silent films will be airing the 1 2 days before Xmas on Sky 1 in UK (and poss on other TV stations). #
  • 07:29 @atgm613 all of it. #
  • 10:07 Blog entry up: I think I just made a film...: posted by Neil The film was finished. I spent the la.. #
  • 20:21 @sumersaults no, I'm having the affair with the voice teacher's best friend's best friend's voice teacher's little sister. #
  • 20:22 Lenny Henry was wonderful in Othello. WHich was a relief. Now off to Hamburg (via Berlin). #
  • 03:43 @tschilai I will probably sign with Amanda after her show tonight. #
  • 03:44 @24billion no. #
  • 03:44 @sinsofangels skip #
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