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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 08:56 We will be filming at Charter Place, watford high st on Sunday(11am to 6pm). Human statues! Big stars! please come by and watch the fun. #
  • 09:03 This is the film project - my silent movie: #
  • 09:04 @Ys0seri0us not even a little. #
  • 09:14 @mbdrake you can't stay in bed all Sunday martyn... #
  • 09:15 @MarcellaPuppini thank you! #
  • 10:05 @MarcellaPuppini definitely. And me too - loved the Cd and videos. #
  • 14:08 Blog entry up: Back. Not dead. Hurrah.: posted by Neil I'm back from the Middle of Nowhere. I had .. #
  • 14:35 @nymphcat it's on the blog entry #
  • 20:36 For the curious, there ARE pictures of the upstairs reference library, or bits of it, at Also, goodnight world. #
  • 20:38 RT it's the mum that makes it @chelliemo: - awesome Coraline & Mom @neilhimself #dra goncon #
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