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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 09:58 @amberle404 so pleased. Chris is such a great chef. #
  • 09:59 Two days to London. Two days of work there. Then a week off the grid. Counting the minutes. #
  • 10:07 If you're going to see @amandapalmer tonight don't forget that @theindelicates are supporting her, and will be on at 7:45. #mebeinghelpful #
  • 10:09 @KathyannSaleem you're welcome. I'm glad you like them. #
  • 11:21 standing with Jimmy Carr in a bbc soundbooth watching & listening to Amanda playing ukulele in studio next-door, feeling proud & happy. #
  • 13:12 And by Jimmy Carr I meant @jimmycarr. Who may twitter a photo of the event. #
  • 13:16 Lots of small family kerfuffles, so I am waving at maddy across the ocean. I love you @maddyg44. #
  • 13:48 @PrincePhilipII nope. An old version of final draft for movies. #
  • 14:06 Just watched Amanda rehearse with @theindelicates and @horndogbrass - it'll be wonderful #
  • 16:57 I appear to have turned into a roadie. Don't mind but probably won't go professional. #
  • 19:15 It occurs to me that when you do it right twittering can be footnotes for life. #
  • 19:39 - Oliver Cumming's traveling piano played in the rain by Amanda #
  • 21:17 @CassieFX not to worry. You were sweet. #
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