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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 13:05 @wibbledinton that makes me happier than I can possibly express. Give her my best. #
  • 13:06 @Pjoseph85 did you ask for the Mezze of Destruction? Did they do anything special? #
  • 13:12 Last night was wonderful. Saw so many friends, including @emmyrossum (waves).Taught @jennyowenyoungs some English. Hullo to all who said hi. #
  • 13:15 Also thankyou to @amandapalmer who during her "ask amanda" bit could have embarrassed me so much more than she did. "My smile"=good answer. #
  • 13:19 And 666,666 is coming so much faster than expected. We've had tea and armageddon pix. We've had a caption competition. How do we celebrate? #
  • 13:32 @ceciliatan er... because there aren't enough photos of cats and books on the interwebs? #
  • 17:37 I appear to be watching a harlan ellison v @amandapalmer grudge match.Harlan was beaten at gin on a plane by amanda's mum in 1979.Or was he? #
  • 17:38 - Evidence of the game.. #
  • 17:43 No @sarah_arnold we are at Ellison Wonderland. What a great strange day. #
  • 18:15 - The game is hotting up. #
  • 22:20 For the record harlan ellison beat @amandapalmer 5 games out of 5. Now to find out how she will attend a party and #lofnotc at the same time #
  • 23:36 - Amanda and beth and the first mojito of the evening #
  • 00:36 Blog entry up: A Hollyday: posted by Neil So twenty-four years ago today, Holly Gaiman turned up i.. #
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