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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 10:55 Good morning, Universe. Looking good. I see the sun came up today as well. Big thumbs up on that one, great idea. I'll get out of bed then. #
  • 12:29 @KarenSindayen somewhere in July. #
  • 14:41 @rafasilveira what will this do? #
  • 15:09 @leo_keil if it was at my house in April then it was in the box of books I signed for Greg in April - the box was only there a week. #
  • 15:33 @leo_keil it's probably not lost forever. Greg is barely coping with the volume and kept coming across things. If not in last batch I'll ... #
  • 15:34 @lilynewwave - Yup. That's me all right. #
  • 16:11 Blog entry up: What bears do.: posted by Neil Three years ago a bear showed up here. The first hin.. #
  • 20:25 Anyone who needs to keep up to date on the bear saga had better follow @fabulouslorrain and @woodsmanhans as I am thousands of miles from it #
  • 20:26 @irkdesu nope. Now in california. #
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