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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 11:16 Woken by the gentle song of jackhammers and the scuttle of rats. Tomorrow it will be birdsong and bees. I feel like a mouse in a fable. #
  • 16:23 So @mmalkoff is spending 30 days living on a commercial plane to conquer his fear of flying. Info and video at . Gosh. #
  • 17:41 @hestirani thank you! #
  • 18:44 @mmalkoff you are more than welcome. Good luck! #
  • 19:11 @Salanth only if you hack it off under the elbow. #
  • 19:34 It's beautiful @hastverk #
  • 01:50 @Kifftopher we were just friends until earlier this year. And now we are dating. #
  • 01:51 @panzicat yup. Film maker Neil Jordan wants to write and direct it. #
  • 01:51 @araza13 brilliant! #
  • 01:52 @amandapalmer are they wily? Like coyote-wily? #
  • 02:06 @CallMeGoldie I have to ask, Yvonne. And I know I'm going to regret this. What are boob darts? #
  • 03:33 RT Beware the London Huggers @doctorow: Don't let strangers hug you in Leicester Square: #
  • 03:59 @BrandonNey so glad i could help #
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