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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Aggregate Twitterage

  • 09:32 @emilynbrodsky sorry about the subway gentleman. But loved the bit of the night that I was in. #
  • 11:35 @RachelCraves I think that's rather wonderful... #
  • 11:35 @Lbartsch you can blame me a little. It's ok. I don't mind. #
  • 11:36 @thurtinkle I didn't put her in. She came in herself. That's what Queens do. #
  • 11:38 @therealdonnacha - i did. #
  • 11:41 @GatorAidMom Five. And a dog, five goldfish and quarter of a million bees. Probably next thursday. #
  • 11:43 This morning's spam email proclaims "Be a Knight of Meat Spear". #viagramspampoetry #
  • 12:38 @BroadwayGirlNYC and @sarajbenincasa will be sharing a bathtub with me on film, for posterity. #
  • 12:40 @Delphine_Angua tend not to answer comments. Answer occasional questions, bu there are always too many. #
  • 17:19 @acautionarytale apparently there's a half hour signing after. Not sure how that will work for 300 people. #
  • 23:47 @vampandora funny! #
  • 23:52 @JenniferWriter oh. That's sad. Thank you for helping, and sorry we didn't get to meet. #
  • 23:53 @kpchristensen - Yup. Definitely big for me. #
  • 23:59 The hotel internet has faded into near-nothingness, taking email with it. So here is the Variety review for CORALINE #
  • 00:23 (sorry about that. A DM that went astray.) #
  • 00:52 Hah. I have internet again, or more or less, now that I am too tired for it to do any good. There is probably a moral there somewhere. #
  • 00:56 ...although I quite like the idea of inviting the entirety of Twitter out for a drink to celebrate the 500,000 followers mark. But where? #
  • 00:56 @solsisters alas, they are both asleep and a thousand miles away. #
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