Aggregate Twitterage
- 09:48 @actordougjones thank you Dougie. (Also, happy birthday.) There's love. #
- 09:50 RT sometime today @amandapalmer will be giving away ONE ticket to the SPIN neil gaiman/AFP event on june 3rd in NYC (it's super sold out). #
- 10:11 @kacsaful I don't use thesauruses much any longer. But I used to read them for pleasure as a boy. #
- 10:12 I just learned from @onesockshort that the Chicago Printer's Row event is doubly sold-out, as seen at #
- 10:13 @ATmack we have not. We felt like we were sullying something precious by watching him text message. Twittering would have been wrong. #
- 13:51 @thoroughly_mad see #
- 14:39 Blog entry up: Finally not a bridesmaid actually: posted by Neil They give you medallions if you'r.. #
- 16:43 @daisydeadpetal you are both welcome. #
- 16:50 Heading down with @amandapalmer to You're not alone at Highline Ballroom, 431 w 16th. It's her, Amy Tan, Eugene Mirman, et al. Come say hi. #
- 16:51 @miketeasdale it wasn't THAT bad a job. And it was a pretty bad book. #
- 17:07 In cab while @amandapalmer rehearses... #
- 17:12 Still in cab. Really nice cab driver to make up for last night's. #
- 17:31 @pinkytweets done. #
- 17:53 Backstage with @bethofalltrades and amanda. Show starts at 7. 431 w 16th. #bea09 - #
- 18:13 Hilarious. Well, slightly funny anyway. Not beth and amanda. Not a photo from my phone either as far as I can tell. #
- 18:24 Second try - #
- 19:37 @notsurewho. Of course not. They are different experiences. #
- 20:28 Taking @bethofalltrades out for a birthday dinner. There is sushi with her name on it. #