Aggregate Twitterage
- 07:51 @rahnedance normally do things like that for a cbldf or 1st amendment donation. Will twitter next auction when it happens. #
- 10:27 Mr punch is three hundred and forty seven today. I watched him kill the devil in covent garden just now. Happy birthday. #
- 12:35 @MotleyHippie thank you. Only one person descended on me, and she did it very nicely. #
- 12:38 Mr Punch's birthday made me happy, though the May Fayre has grown & it feels less like a meeting of Professors. Still, about 18 showtents up #
- 12:46 @ewacat And you were right. I was. #
- 12:55 For anyone who wants to hear @wossy attempting to frame me for his custard-cream-crimes: (I start around 65 minutes in) #
- 15:11 @nicci_monkey mr punch's birthday is due to sam pepys recording a punch and judy show 347 years ago. #
- 15:13 @kb98 the funniest reviews are the times and daily mail, who seem to want it to have an 18 certificate. #
- 15:33 @crimsong19 it sold out already? I didn't even blog it properly yet. Bugger. Sorry. #
- 17:56 @mgaiman very glad to hear it. #
- 18:03 @robertgould Loved Shockheaded Peter (and all Improbable Theatre things, even before they did WOLVES IN THE WALLS). #
- 18:10 @hollyherself and what a fine hat. #
- 18:21 @honeyfaery I almost never deny anything. It's more fun that way. #
- 18:23 @hollyherself do you mean I am more embarrassing than I have ever been before, or that I am the most embarrassing father ever? #